
Which beer to drink with edible insects?

A few time ago, we wrote about the different drinks you can pair with insects.? Today, we will focus on beer. It’s springtime, the days are getting longer, the sun is coming… So when we go out of the office, the only thing that we want is to enjoy some time with our friends around a cold beer and… crispy seasoned insects!

For this special occasion, we asked HOPUP, and especially a top expert : Edouard. He’s also the co-founder of the association “Hop of France”. With him, we had great hop’ of finding a nice pairing between beers and insects. He was quite enthusiastic and when we got his mail: “I found beers that will be delicious with edible insects and there is maybe a “perfect pairing” among them!

A blond beer with edible insects :

We will start with this simple but delicious mix. This beer is perfect as an appetizer and its bitterness often enriched with a slight herbal aroma, will let emerge some floral and fruity notes.

  • Molitor sesame cumine &; Calypso from Siren brewery (UK)
    We start with the only acidic blonde beer of the selection, a Berliner Weisse. This beer is a wonder: light, fruity, acidulated, but not sweet at all! The wheat used during the brewing gives a slight dry final note.
  • Paprika grasshopper & Delta IPA from BBP (BE)
    We tried the combination grasshopper/IPA last year during a dinner, the reactions were unanimous: That’s good! This is an IPA “Belgian style” (the yeast is notable) with citric and tropical hops.

An amber beer for marking the spicy and sweet notes:

The amber beer is the most aromatic and is characterized by their full-bodied flavours. We often can notice notes of liquorice, hazelnuts and sometimes caramel.

  • Buffalo Spicy Chilli & West Coast IPA from Outland Brewery (FR)
    IPA again !? Yes, but this is again a great match! Spiced foods match often pretty well with the aroma and taste of hops. Drinking an amber beer like IPA (India Pale Ale) with chilli:. The West Coast is brewed in Fontenay-sous-Bois, near Paris, by Outland, an IPA brewed on tropical and resinous hops.
  • Sweet mango crickets & Elvis Juice from Brewdog brewery (UK)
    This amber beer is an ovni : brewed with graperfruit juice, we find acidity, bitterness and a lot of fruits!

Bonus :  As the amber beer is a great combination with caramelized desserts, we think we got its perfect match : salted butter caramel mealworms 🙂

 Beer is the new black !

Black beer, also called Stout or Porter (dark brown beer), is dark because it has been made with a large amount of roasted barley.

  • Buffalo sour cream onion & La Maline from Thiriez brewery (FR)
    I know, black beer is not often the best choice for appetizers, but first it’s black beer time when you want and; second this one is very mild and light. I think that the roasted barley aroma has a chocolate/coffee note that is perfectly balanced with the sour cream and onion.

Obviously, this list is not comprehensive. If you enjoyed it and are eager to see a next one, don’t hesitate to let us know! If you have other suggestions we would love to hear about it, so send us an email at coucou(@)
And again a big thanks to Edouard for his delicious expertise!

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