Lifestyle Cooking insects : A new version of our ORIGIN range Our ORIGIN range has been created 3 years ago to help you embark on an exciting journey: Give you the opportunity to let you creat...
Lifestyle Edible insect recipe for Halloween: Grave’s verrines You started your halloween event with an insect recipe as a starter, you’ll finish it with a dessert containing insects! To ...
Lifestyle Edible ants : A crispy story from Brazil ! Did you know that? In Brazil, we love soccer, Caipis, but we also love… edible ants! Edible ants in Brazill! Just as...
Lifestyle Insects recipe for Halloween: Mummified grasshoppers For beginning your Halloween event, begin with an insect recipe as a starter: Some mummified grasshoppers. We got this recipe in m...
Lifestyle JIMINI’S at Science fair to make you eat insects! This year the national science fair is lasting more than a week in Paris. From the 8th to the 16th October, biology, chemistry, ph...
Lifestyle Cooking grasshoppers, the recipe of our insects spread Let start cooking grasshoppers! Fish “rillettes”, that’s so old fashion! Tuna with fresh cheese, that’s a ...
Lifestyle Kanye West is eating insects as a celebration We often hear in the news that celebrities start eating insects for different reasons. They start to eat insects because they̵...
Lifestyle Are edible insects superfood ? Nanna Roos, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, stated at the Congress “Edible insects; the value chain” the...
Lifestyle Thaï insect cuisine : mealworms’ Som Tam Originally from Laos and transmitted all across South-East asia, Som Tam is litteraly a green papaya salad, from which the primary...
Lifestyle Chapulines, some Mexican edible grasshoppers ! Edible grasshoppers, a delicacy in Mexico Many people in Mexico eat their burritos with chicken or beef, but not in Oaxaca! In thi...