Lifestyle How to use insect meal? At Jimini’s we have been making edible insect food products since 2012! We have a range of different products: sweet and sav...
Nature Education & Insects EDUCATING AND CONVINCING STARTS WITH THE LITTLE ONES Our mission is ambitious: to gradually introduce insects into our daily Weste...
Tasting My first insect You have finally decided to take the plunge and taste an edible insect for the first time. You have heard about it from friends, c...
Tasting How to eat crickets? Crickets are one of our favourite insects. With its puffy texture, the edible cricket leaves no one indifferent. We have created a...
Tasting How do I remove the wings from my crickets? At Jimini’s we have different types of insects: molitors, crickets and locusts! Crickets are our most imposing insects, they...
Tasting Eating mealworms You’ve probably heard of edible insects. Indeed, good for the body and the planet, this idea is slowly coming to our minds! ...
Lifestyle Rebranding JIMINI’S – new step for edible insects It’s been already 8 years that Jimini’s is making Europeans crunch edible insects. Our numerous partnerships, meetings, exchanges,...
Lifestyle Insects sourcing: An European step forward! From December 14, all edible insects available on the European market will necessarily come from European breeding farms, or almos...
Lifestyle Cooking insects for dessert You want to start cooking insects? You’re in the right place ! At JIMINI’S, from starter to dessert, from winter to su...
Lifestyle 3 ways to spice-up your appetizer with edible insects The appetizer is a cheerful moment, the perfect moment to spend some time with your friends and have a chat with a drink and some ...